And in his view, my defense of the Constitution is apparently a sign of mental illness so glaring that he claims to have contacted the Veterans Administration on my behalf and claims he was told by somebody there that my "tirade" in support of constitutional rights raised many flags of serious mental health issues. He then provided her email address and invited me to contact her. So, I've reproduced my "tirade" here.
This theme that those who support the Constitution, and who criticize those in public service who do not, are mentally ill is one I am familiar with. It's interesting to me how so many fascist unprofessional public servants equate valuing constitutional rights with indication of mental illness.
So, John Tringali, makes his first post here...
Then he defriends me, and turns around and sends me this message:
Then he blocks me. Thanks for the lesson on mental illness, John Tringali.
This guy has the same name as me. For anyone reading this, this is a different John Tringali than the one you know. He's giving John Tringalis a bad name.