"...do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

"For the good of the Air Force, for the good of the armed services and for the good of our country, I urge you to reject convention and careerism..."
- Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Maxwell AFB, April 21, 2008

"You will need to challenge conventional wisdom and call things like you see them to subordinates and superiors alike."
- Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, United States Air Force Academy, March 4, 2011

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why I Now Predict Our Government Will Murder Donald Trump

Reportedly, the Secret Service has advised Donald Trump to not have anymore outdoor rallies for security reasons.  The agency that was part of the J6 fraud, and which very obviously was involved with the previous assassination attempt on the ex-President, advising a presidential candidate to essentially stay home is no different than a cleaning company advising customers to not use buildings to prevent them from getting dirty.  It makes no sense to do so given the very purpose of the organization and it breaks the rule "government agencies will always try to justify their existence and increased budgets."  If presidential candidates stayed home on the campaign trail, we wouldn't need a Secret Service.

One might properly respond "they're not saying to stay home, they're saying stay inside!"  As if the Secret Service could have the same situational awareness in a building where drones cannot fly overhead and snipers cannot be stationed on water towers to get a comprehensive view.  Staying inside is no more safer for Trump than it was for Malcolm X.

And the Secret Service works for an installed President (more accurately for the oligarchy that controls him and the office of the president) who made war on Trump and his supporters with the fervency of Mussolini and not just with his demonic rhetoric.  The Secret Service is part of the same apparatus that raided Trump's home over nonsense, the same government thuggery that bugged Trump's cabinet in the earliest days of his presidency, and the same cabal that is behind the weaponization of our legal system against him.

The fact the Secret Service has advised Trump to not do outdoor rallies makes it clear to me that this government intends to murder the man.  They want to have a talking point, after his demise, to say "we told him and if he had followed our recommendation he would be alive, how could we be responsible since we tried to prevent it?"

The only other possible explanation is they are hoping this logical conclusion would be drawn and would lead to him changing his campaign so that when they rig the election they can blame it on that change.

Given Biden's absolute tyrannical statements, the fascism demonstrated by the leaders of the Intelligence Community lying about the Hunter Biden laptop and the Russia Hoax and all the rest, my money is that Trump will be murdered by our (no-hyperbole) tyrannical fascist government.

As usual in such things I hope I'm wrong.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Cop Murders Woman in Her Own Home For Rebuking Him in the Name of Jesus


I have long maintained that we live in a police state and we do.  We have evidence here only because the second cop (who did nothing to protect an innocent woman in her own home) had his body camera on.  The murderer didn't turn his on until after he had murdered the woman and the murder is clearly seen at fourteen minutes into the video.

Why did the cop think he could get away with murder?  Because they so often do.  He likely thought his partner had his body camera off and if that had been the case, this would have been written up as the woman being a threat with hot water and these thugs would have gotten away with it.  Count on it.  Happens all the time.

This is the result of cops literally being above the law.  Qualified Immunity is the doctrine invented from thin air by the Supreme Court of the United States to shield criminal cops and other government actors.  If a prosecutor prosecutes a cop then QI is not a defense.  But the vast vast vast majority of the time a prosecutor will not charge a cop with a crime.  So the only recourse is through a civil suit and that is where QI comes in.  The way it works is, even if a court finds that cops broke the law, unless there is clear case law that is nearly identical to the situation being litigated, the cop will win the suit.  It's so ridiculous that if a cop were to murder a man driving a truck, and there was case law from a time a cop murdered a man driving a car, the court could find for the cop because of the difference between a truck and a car.  Courts say the case law must be "on all fours" meaning it has to be nearly identical.  It's an easy way for government judges to let government thugs get away with murder after prosecutors fail to do their jobs.

Prosecutors are prosecuting this particular murderous cop.  And hopefully this cop gets the death penalty.  But this is a reminder of how untouchable cops rightfully think they are that leads to such brazen murder.  And it shows why they hate body cameras.  Thankfully one of these two bad cops forgot to turn his off to cover their tyranny.

Monday, July 15, 2024

We Dodged a Bullet, Temporarily

Fortunately President Trump was not killed.  While I don't like the man and didn't vote for him (recognizing he was likely the best President of my lifetime given the incredibly low bar for federal officers) I don't condone violence and especially not now.  Not only will it fail and hasten the demise of our nation, the people who rule our country (who are not of our nation yet own our politicians on both sides) are just itching for a reason to rip the mask off completely and unleash the tools of tyranny on the American citizenry.  It's the shaping operation they need to put the United States of America into the footnotes of history.  Thankfully the bullet missed and we can kick this can a little further down the road along with our economic collapse.

But what comes next so many of us are wondering.  Hopefully we don't see a "right winger" real-or-created act out violently to justify a response and massive narrative shift before the elections.  Given our sad state of affairs, and with the legacy of JFK's murder by our own government, such a thing would not even remotely surprise me.  Let's hope that does not happen.

With all the conspiracy theories (the irrational kind, not the unprovable kind) being floated, and the overwhelming understanding that the Secret Service failed in an absolutely inexcusable manner that nobody in the business can credibly justify, I find it strange that few if any are asking if the Secret Service (which was a willing participant in the J6 fraud to create an unarmed insurrection from a protest for political aims) and which works for an installed POTUS who has made it frighteningly clear that he will use all the tools of the state against the American people and against Trump no matter the destruction of faith rational citizens have toward their armed "non-partisan" agencies....did not act out of incompetence but rather something more.

It's so easy to turn a blind eye to a known or suspected threat because the attack might be useful in some way.  See the attack on Israel recently that provided a useful justification for an awful desired action by those pulling government strings.

Anyway, it's strange that NSPLYR hasn't been around to throw his voice into the Digital Clown Show.  He's usually so into current events and all, I'm sure he could enlighten us.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Understated Benefit of Retirement - Free Military Travel

For years now I have traveled almost exclusively on military aircraft.  The downside to this is, of course, flexibility.  If you have a job with a leash then it's a difficult way to travel but if you're truly retired or have a job where you can digitally clock-in, then Space A is amazing.

I'll take stretching out on the floor of a C-17 and taking a nap or the sweet top deck of a C-5 over first class on Delta any day of the week and twice on Sunday.  The pax terminal may not have the little buffet of an airport lounge, but I don't have to get groped, filmed nude, and have my rights violated by TSA thugs in order to enter.

And living in the PNW with McChord AFB stocked full of sexy C-17s ready to go anywhere, anytime...  it's just so convenient.

It's also nice not having doors fall off the jet in flight.

If you're thinking about whether to stay until retirement or not, don't underestimate this benefit in your calculation.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Thank God - Julian Assange is Free!

Don't know the details.  Appears to be a plea deal.  I'm glad he took it.  Any thinking human knows he did not violate the Espionage Act nor could he.  If American law applied to him (which it did not) then the First Amendment also did and he was blameless.  He sacrificed so much for all freedom lovers and it's great that he is finally out of prison after the horrific torture our embarrassingly government and its allies inflicted upon him.

If humanity is lucky and free in the future, his name will be up there with the greatest movers of humanity in the face of the common tyranny of the time.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Involuntary Servitude is no LOLing Matter


Despite Huggy's age and experience, he can't grasp the complicated idea that it's a form of slavery when government forces somebody to give up years of their life, against their will,  to do labor they don't want to do.  Under threat of force where those who don't comply get punished.  Involuntary servitude is a limited form of slavery.  Duh.

LOL, wut indeed.

Our Constitution fortunately recognizes this obvious fact and forbids the practice.  In a free country, people are not forced to work to benefit others with their labor.  But this fact isn't something taught at Oshgosh so it's beyond Huggy's comprehension.  Real Americans, however, reflexively understand this obvious fact as does our Constitution.  The Thirteenth Amendment states:

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

 Poor showing there, Huggy.  Very poor.

Monday, June 10, 2024

A Poor Assumption


Your assumption that they didn't know (or that if they did know it would change anything) is wrong.  It's along the same line as "they need more training."

No, that's not the problem.  The problem is they don't care and they do not share the values that led to our Constitution.  Just like the great many ordinary American citizens who do not care or who actively want to change that document or ignore it.

Just like your peers who have been trained on the Constitution and unlawful orders and who cheered on the murder of American citizens using military airpower.

It's comforting to think they simply don't know, but the reality is much more unsettling.  And obvious.

Congratulations to my Frau

From Reuters:

June 10 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a lawsuit by more than 200 hospitals that serve low-income populations accusing the federal government of shortchanging them on Medicare funding by about $1.5 billion per year.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Worthlessness of the Third Branch


It's a good thing to hope for and most Americans think the judicial branch is some kind of check and balance when it comes to rights violations.  Just like most airmen think an IG complaint has actual power.  But the reality, as is so often the case, is it's just for show to present an appearance.  Inspector Generals work for the commander, and the judiciary works for the same forces that own our government.

A lawsuit would be doomed to fail unless the oligarchs wanted to increase the perception of justice and let off some steam from the mob.  The DoD can't be prosecuted since it's government.  Individuals could be, but they won't be since they were following orders from civilian leadership.  American citizens could sue DoD individuals in a civil suit but the tyrannical court-made-up theory of "qualified immunity" would mean the most you could hope for is the judiciary ruling "yup, your rights were violated but you still lose the lawsuit."  Even if a civil suit were to succeed (and it woudln't), any money would be paid by the taxpayers.

Our system has been rendered incapable of holding government accountable.  The Third Branch of government is used against the American citizen and not against government actors.  Sorry to rain on your parade because it's a parade I'd love to attend.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Tragic Murder of an Airman by Cop & Slow Swimmers Waking Up to the Police State We Live In

Unfortunately an airman from my old squadron, the 4th Special Operations Squadron, was murdered by a sheriff's deputy from the Okaloosa Sheriff's Department (former employer of the infamous Anti-Acorn Task Force).  The cop was called there by people who reported hearing a man and woman yelling and gave the cop this young kid's apartment number.  The body camera footage shows the cop knocked on the door without announcing he was police or any announcement at all, then hid from the peephole so he could not be seen.  When the door did not open (and no sane person would answer such a knock), the deputy then knocked on it again, announced he was a sheriff, and the airman answered the door holding a gun at his side and not pointed at anybody.  The cop then shot him several times and killed him.  Then, of course and as usual, his department lied about it in the media, claimed he didn't mask his presence, and stated that he acted in self defense.

My former peers in uniform over at a popular forum have finally admitted the reality of the police state we live in although with the usual caveats and justifications ("I've never been LEO so what do I know about when it's wrong to shoot people who aren't a threat" and "it's okay to knock and then hide so the person inside doesn't know who is knocking because you might get shot through the door" and such).  And, of course, the idiotic assumption that cops make life and death decisions on a daily basis like some movie might depict.  And the wrote-narrative that is unthinkingly parroted like watching MSM news where all the talking heads say the same memorized and undigested bits, "it's because they didn't have enough training (ie money)."  Still, at least the digital clowns can pronounce this incident correctly because it happened to someone they can relate to.  Normally they'd ignore the facts and dig up some dirt on the kid "did you see his third grade teacher wrote in his report card that he mouthed off in class??!!"  So, this is a nice improvement to the usual authoritarian tyranny that infests that propaganda messageboard.  More than a decade ago I was there labeled a nutter for explaining the reality of our police state and the need for Americans to protect themselves from it.  But given the quick progress of those who frequent that forum, I'm sure by the time we have trains and camps they'll finally get it.

Here is the reality.  Cops can murder any American they want for any reason and there will be no justice despite some rare counterexamples that typically involve political backlash surrounding race.  Most years, cops aren't in the top ten most dangerous jobs in America, yet they are presumed to be simply making a mistake even when their actions are criminal because people are taught to ignore the reality they experience everyday, which doesn't include gunfights, and to somehow posit that cops are fighting for their very lives every single day and are just lucky to get home where they can lay down their body armor, pepper spray, batons and guns.  But that is not reality and the reality is that when there is an actual threat to the cop, they often refuse to intervene.  See the Parkland cop.  See the Uvalde cowards.  And see the Supreme Court of the United States which ruled that cops have no duty to protect those in danger.  Which is why many don't actually run toward danger in many cases, and instead prey on innocent Americans they can spin into stories of heroism with the stroke of a pen about "what happened."  Because the reality is most cops are insecure pussies who either bully the innocent while safe behind their badge, or turn a blind eye to the abuse they see from their peers.  And the risk to cops doesn't end when they get caught on camera murdering innocent Americans.  The most they risk is getting fired.  They will not be prosecuted criminally.  And thanks to "qualified immunity," the courts have given them a pass against civil suit as well.  Understand that.  Because of qualified immunity, a court can find that a cop did in fact violate the Constitution and yet they will still rule in favor of the cop (or any other government agent).  Even after expressly finding that the government agent broke the law.

Cops are untouchable in all reality.  Being fired is not a deterrent to insecure psychopaths with a gun.

If they want to kill you, they will kill you.  And they will get away with it, see the Daniel Shaver murder for example; a cold-blooded killing of yet another innocent man after some idiot citizen called the cops, just as in this case, to report something perfectly legal.  Or see the old man Craig Robertson recently murdered.  Or watch the Oscar Grant murder.  Or the Kelly Thomas murder.  There are far too many examples of police criminality, theft, and murder that goes without meaningful punishment to relate here.  Far too many.  Go ahead and say it, "a few bad apples" and then stop reading this post because you're far too stupid to be reading my blog.

As for the rest, what can you, the average citizen, do?  First, hope the government doesn't employ this to punish you, as they recently did when they murdered a man in Arkansas for selling weapons, or as "law enforcement" has been weaponized against January 6th protestors.  Such a machinery of tyranny is irresistible to the tyrants who wield it.  Second, hope your enemies don't punish you by calling in your address to get a SWAT response, as is common.  You see, cops don't require any evidence or common sense, they're eager to bust in your door and they will do so presuming you are a threat to them.  Third, NEVER NEVER NEVER answer the door unless you know who is on the other side (you should have cameras).  If the person on the other side is a cop, you make them produce a warrant before you open the door.  They can call you if they just want to talk.  Fourth, your home is your castle, so you better build it like one.  That means a door you don't buy at Home Depot.  Take it seriously.  I would recommend the same for your vehicle.  Government agents are not persuaded by correct recitation of the law and the Constitution because while they have to mouth those words, they have zero concern or reverence for our supreme law and "all that jazz."  So they will escalate if you don't let them in (thanks to "exigent circumstances" court rulings and the unaccountability that makes lying routine by law enforcement--there will be exigent circumstances because they will simply make them up).  So your door better hold.

And lastly, to my peers who might mistakenly (and immorally) believe they are somehow protected from the treatment the unwashed masses get by virtue of their own uniform and government job, realize that they don't care.  They'll kill your wife and your baby just to make you bow down or to punish you for exercising your constitutional rights, just as they did to former Green Beret Randy Weaver.  You can delude yourself into thinking you're on "their" side of the fascist thin blue line, but you're not.

For the rest of us, realize that our government very rarely hires those with the integrity and the intellect to appreciate our Constitution, or the courage to make good on their oaths.  So plan accordingly.

Thoughts and prayers to the family of Airman Roger Fortson.  RIP Ghostrider.  I'm sorry that your leadership, your peers, the Okaloosa Sheriff's Department and your nation failed you.  It's a tragedy.

17 May Update:

I was waiting for this fascist ginger limp noodle to weigh in and he didn't disappoint.  The fact that the entire thing is captured on video is not enough, you see, because we need to wait for the cop to lie about things not seen on video (which will still not justify the murder).  Don't think for a second that M2 gives one shit about "due process" and waiting for an investigation when the body camera footage doesn't clearly show a crime by law enforcement though.  It's only when it's one of King George's men that he asks people to not form obvious and irrefutable conclusions based on video evidence and to instead wait for the police to investigate themselves.  He gives no such due process deference to ordinary citizens routinely smeared and victimized by cops.  M2 likes to delude himself into thinking he's a conservative, but he's nothing more than a fascist and he's the key reason that forum is a propaganda shit hole for tyranny.  You can expect any voices that disagree with him beyond a cowering whimper to find themselves censored because he's such a conservative patriot.