"...do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

"For the good of the Air Force, for the good of the armed services and for the good of our country, I urge you to reject convention and careerism..."
- Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Maxwell AFB, April 21, 2008

"You will need to challenge conventional wisdom and call things like you see them to subordinates and superiors alike."
- Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, United States Air Force Academy, March 4, 2011

Friday, January 10, 2025

Something I Very Rarely Do, Going to the Theatre to Watch a Movie: Homestead


I like the independent movie production vibe.  I like that "Buck Compton" from Band of Brothers stars in the movie.  I like the idea of trying to carve out a safe space in a sea of insanity, although I think such an effort is likely more fantastic than any special effects this movie might offer.  And I like that a guy I know from the old life is an extra in this flick.  Will report back with my thoughts.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Lifetime Ago in a Land Far, Far Away

Dusting off a near twenty-year old item from the vault of history...

Friday, January 3, 2025

2025 Promises Insanity from the Jump

Ever since 9/11 things have gotten more insane.  First it was the assault on our civil liberties resulting from the attack.  Then it was lying the nation into a war with Iraq.  But the past several years have been a headlong swan dive into batshit crazy from our politics devolving into Idiocracy levels, to a "debate" over men in women's locker rooms followed by a U.S. funded virus being unleashed upon the world and resulting lockdowns.

Meanwhile the foreign country that owns our puppet government is expanding in the Middle East, American taxpayers are still forced to fork over massive money to Ukraine (for, I dunno, reasons) while their government is headlong barreling into bankruptcy and while AI absolutely promises to make humans economically unviable (yeah, yeah, I don't care about any horse & carriage industry allegories because this is not even remotely close to the same thing).

Then in comes 2025.

We have had one terrorist attack (unclear who is actually responsible for it) and then...

... an active duty, nineteen year serving, Special Forces soldier with a newborn kills himself in a cybertruck next to a Trump tower.

If that's not enough, he also apparently sent out an email claiming the drones over our east coast (which I failed to mention in my list of crazy happenings) are some super technology employed by the Chinese.

Yeah, happy new year.  Don't forget to renew your NFL Season Ticket.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

American Sailor Informs Us of the Traitors Then and Now & the Foreign Enemy Nation That Owns the United States

Well worth a watch, particularly after that enemy foreign nation's great political victory within our borders.  As if they needed another.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Were I a Juror in the Daniel Penny Trial...

Were I a juror in the case I would likely come to the conclusion that Daniel Penny was guilty of manslaughter.  Then I would vote to acquit him.  Here's why.

I think the evidence shows that Jordan Neely was not a threat.  He didn't present an actual threat to anybody on the train.  Unhinged?  Sure.  Crazy?  Sure.  Presenting an actual threat that justified a physical response?  Not a chance.  Making general statements about killing people, yet not directing actual threats at any single individual along with failing to physically accost any single person means the unhinged, abnormal, weird, concerning individual was not an actual threat that required force.  It's that simple.  Had Penny moved closer to the man, to act in case he were to present an actual threat to somebody on the train, then he would have acted reasonably.  But he didn't do that.  He didn't act anywhere near reasonably.

Instead, he approached the man who had his back turned to him in the most historical standard of non-threat presented in every black and white western on television ("he shot him in the back, Sheriff") and put him in a chokehold.  Could Neely have been threatening somebody other than Penny?  Sure, but no evidence shows that to be the case.

Then he maintained that chokehold for several minutes.  In those several minutes, Penny was responsible for Neely's life, having made the decision to place himself between Neely and God and take it upon himself to act as his mortal gatekeeper.  Penny did so with the assistance of two other individuals.  Whatever non-threatening yet uncomfortable scenario existed before Penny took that action was most certainly averted and mitigated.  And leaving Neely in that chokehold raises serious questions given that three men, now conversing and planning and organizing, were able to respond should the more-tired (and likely more angry) Neely get up and escalate his crazy yet non-threatening statements into something more.  Instead, Penny kept the chokehold in despite Neely obviously becoming increasingly incapacitated.

I think Penny jumped the gun unreasonably and was, in fact, guilty of manslaughter.  His actions were unquestionably unreasonable.  Self defense requires reasonableness and not simply being uncomfortable or not liking somebody's public speech in a public place.  Penny's actions were inexcusable.

That being said, the standard in a court of law is "beyond a reasonable doubt."  Despite the conclusion that I would likely draw, I would yet find that a reasonable person could doubt my conclusion; primarily because the police responded, found that Neely was still alive and had a pulse, and chose not to provide mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.  Neely was alive after Penny released the chokehold.  Penny clearly did some damage or at least altered Neely's physical state in some manner, obviously, but was it enough to amount to manslaughter?  Did Penny cause Neely's death?  If a person punches another and they get a swollen black eye, and minutes later they die, is their demise to be laid at the feet of the pugilist?  What if their swollen eye led to them not seeing the oncoming car that hit them?  In this case, the inaction of the police, the question of toxicology, and most importantly the fact that Neely was alive when released from the chokehold invite a reasonable doubt as to Penny's guilt despite the fact that I think Penny committed manslaughter.  That reasonable doubt requires acquittal.

Whatever the jury decides, this whole incident was a tragic shit show.  A poor man with a life full of hardship and tragedy and mental illness had his life taken from him because others equated discomforting speech with a direct threat of physical violence and because one incredibly not-bright veteran made the idiotic and entirely-not-heroic decision to involve himself where he had no business.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Retired O-6 Stops Talking about College Football Long Enough to Celebrate Actions of an Enemy Country

While ClearedHot typically spends his time on the "military aviator" website to mentor younger officers by discussing football ad nauseam, he has recently taken the time to cheer on a foreign country that murders journalists and American citizens who object to their genocide in Palestine.  That genocide justified by the attacks of Hamas (which Israel propped up and financed itself) no less.

None of that matters though, because this brainiac retired full bird has a real appreciation for the middle eastern foreign country.  And why wouldn't he?

Israel knowingly attacked the USS Liberty in international waters and murdered a great many American service members after all.

Israel stole enriched uranium from the United States to create nuclear weapons despite the U.S. policy of not allowing nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.

Israel has long spied on the United States (despite brutally attacking the USS Liberty).

And, of course, Israel has spent a bunch of money infiltrating our Congress, media, and other government agencies through a foreign-lobby that is strangely not required to register as a foreign agent and which has resulted in Congress funneling money from the pockets of struggling American taxpayers and sending it to the middle east to fund a nation actively hostile to the United States.

This hostile foreign country has infiltrated the government of the United States with such effectiveness that it must be wondered if the United States government isn't, in all reality, a puppet of this foreign nation.  Those who look objectively must consider that the United States might be a colony of Israel.  The cover up after cover up of anti-American and hostile Israeli actions suggests that our government works directly for this foreign power rather than for the people of America.

In any case, one would think a retired full bird would forgo celebrating a long-time enemy of our nation, but only if they remember a time when military officers were loyal to the United States of America instead of being captured by a foreign government.

At least ClearedHot is loyal to college football though.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Our Foreign-Owned Government Codifies Military Lethality Against Americans in Advance of "Election"

This is a topic near and dear to my heart.  About two decades ago as an AC-130 aircraft commander, I informed my leadership that I would refuse any requests I might get on local training missions to assist local law enforcement on manhunts with my aircraft and crew.  On occasion such requests would come in, but participating in those requests violated federal law (known as the Posse Comitatus Act).  Other pilots didn't have any issue participating in these law enforcement activities and I was the only to refuse them.

Almost a decade later, in a different special operations unit, I was ordered to fly a mission to assassinate an American citizen outside of a war zone who presented no imminent threat.  I refused and resigned my commission.  Other pilots didn't have any issue participating, I was the only individual to refuse, and the American citizen has long now been deceased.

The federal courts had an opportunity to hear a case brought by the father of one such American citizen targeted by President Obama for extra-judicial execution.  The federal judiciary (federal government officials who are adept at pretending to uphold our Constitution while they actually do great damage to it) refused to even hear the case.  The judiciary is adept at "procedural" reasons that allow them to ignore the most egregious constitutional violations while pretending they are not making a decision on the merits.

Concerned that the United States military, and its drone assets in particular, might be used against Americans in America, Senator Rand Paul filibustered in Congress.  He finally got an assurance from Obama's Attorney General that such military assets would not be used against Americans in our homeland.  I warned back in 2013 about this push to use military drones against American citizens in America.

Unfortunately that warning was of no use and our military now stands ready to use force against American citizens in America and has since at least the events of September 11th.  Our turnkey tyranny has already had its key turned as several Americans murdered by the Obama administration attest, and as a great many of J6 protestors can tell you from isolation and prison cells and as older DoD documents indicate.

On September 27th of 2024, just weeks before a presidential "election," the Pentagon issued DoD Directive 5240.01 which reiterated the claimed power to use the military's lethality against American citizens in America itself.  The document is titled "DoD Intelligence And Intelligence-Related Activities and Defense Intelligence Component Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies and Other Civil Authorities."

The document portends to have a "special emphasis" for protecting the constitutional rights of American citizens.

Likewise, the document gives a warm fuzzy when it comes to our military assets (like drones) being used to assassinate American citizens without charge or trial...

But Americans should know by now that their federal government simply re-defines words like these.  Indeed, the Obama administration (which assassinated multiple American citizens without charge or trial who presented no imminent threat) denies those killings were assassinations.  But they were.  Calling something a "targeted killing" does not mean it's therefore not an assassination.  The federal government loves to play word games like these.  Regardless, sending military assets in with law enforcement against an American citizen opens up the "I feared for my life" excuse that is routinely used when law enforcement blatantly murders Americans.  Even were this section written in good faith, it's a distinction without any practical difference.  Military assets will show up for "confrontation" with American citizens, and Americans will die as a result.

As a great many Americans rot away in prison for protesting an election on public property, it should be no surprise that this document also allows for the use of drones and other military assets, in conjunction with law enforcement assets, to respond to "civil disturbances" (think protests) and in no way limits the use of military lethality to self defense in such a response.

Given the SWAT raids and politically motivated actions of the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies, it is perfectly predictable that military assets will be used to provide defense of unlawful law enforcement activity launched for partisan political reasons.  DoDD 5210.56 provides no meaningful restraint to military lethality against American citizens.

Most importantly, due to the Supreme Court's tyrannical invention of "qualified immunity," any military official who uses lethality against his own countrymen will face no legal accountability.

The vague language and pretended limitations of this document mean that military assets will be used against American citizens protesting or targeted by local law enforcement for any number of unstated or fabricated reasons.  When American lives are taken on the homeland by their government, the Supreme Court stands perfectly ready to look the other way especially given that routine law enforcement violations of American rights will not only be bolstered by the tyrannical SCOTUS-fabricated doctrine of "qualified immunity" but also now by state secrets and so-called "national security."  The military, like the police, has now been given cart blanche to murder Americans, even here in our very nation, without concern for any criminal or civil ramification.

This is all by design in the literal tyranny that the United States has long now become.

All so predictable and so obvious.  And for those who think "but our military would never turn on the American people," let me assure you that they absolutely will and have.  Our military officers, with allegiance to foreign governments and with absolutely no concern for our law, stand ready and eager to violate your constitutional rights with extreme prejudice.  Like so many government militaries that have turned on their own people throughout history, I can guarantee you there is no difference here in the "land of the free."

We are past the end of our Grand Experiment, and we Americans can soon expect to learn firsthand what our Founders tried to protect us from.  The blood of Americans will run like a river as our foreign-owned government shifts from robbing us blind through money printing and taxes and "foreign aid" and turns instead to stealing our property through violence and murdering dissenters, all done in the name of security and such.  Buckle up and enjoy the train ride.

Friday, October 11, 2024

American Military Officer Confused on What Nation is Ours


Hey dummy, a foreign government (one that blackmails American politicians, spies on our nation heavily, murders and imprisons American citizens and milks our coffers through their blackmail and terrorism) is not "our" government, therefore their hypothetical operative in Iran is not "our" guy.

Jesus Christ.  How easily subverted and turned our military officers have become.


For those who would like to contact the American embassy in Israel to voice their concern over Israel's unlawful violations of the rights of American journalist, Jeremy Loffredo, you can email them at jerusalemACS@state.gov or phone them at +011-972-2-630-4000 as I have done.  You might also want to raise awareness online since this persecution of an American citizen is, of course, not covered in corporate media which is quite literally an apparatus of state propaganda.  Real journalism, such as that done by Mr. Loffredo, is rare because of the unchecked liberty violations by tyrannical governments working hand in hand against the citizenry.

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

I am alarmed at the brutal actions of the government of Israel against American journalists and, most recently, with the arrest and continued detention of Jeremy Loffredo.  I realize his detention boundaries have been expanded to the war zone of Israel.

I hope that the American government, and your embassy in particular, will do everything in your power to see Mr. Loffredo returned home to our country and that the foreign country ceases its unlawful actions against him.

Additionally, I hope that we can all remember we are citizens of the United States of America and not handmaidens to a brutal foreign government that wantonly violates the rights of Americans as well as its own citizens.


Richard Rynearson, Maj, USAF (ret)


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

J.D. Vance, 25, or 22?

The narrative being pushed is that Kamala and Trump are neck and neck.  That is the narrative that must be pushed in order for people to more easily accept a rigged election.  It worked last time.

But the three letter agencies are ready just in case.  It's clear to me that J.D. Vance (with all the political track record that Obama had and a similar pedigree) is a Deep State operative ready for the next phase.

The only question is whether Vance will take the office from Donald Trump via the 25 or the 22.

Once Vance is POTUS, America will see the mask completely removed and the tyranny will be undeniable even to mouth breathers who haven't figured it out today.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Israel is a Threat to the United States of America

It's time people realize that the real Middle Eastern country that presents the greatest threat to the United States is the country of Israel.  For the dummies, the country of Israel is not Judaism and is certainly not American Jews.  See Dave Smith from Part of the Problem if you have confusion about that obvious fact.

Dan makes excellent points about how Israel controls our government.  We need to end this.