Hey dummy, a foreign government (one that blackmails American politicians, spies on our nation heavily, murders and imprisons American citizens and milks our coffers through their blackmail and terrorism) is not "our" government, therefore their hypothetical operative in Iran is not "our" guy.
Jesus Christ. How easily subverted and turned our military officers have become.
For those who would like to contact the American embassy in Israel to voice their concern over Israel's unlawful violations of the rights of American journalist, Jeremy Loffredo, you can email them at jerusalemACS@state.gov or phone them at +011-972-2-630-4000 as I have done. You might also want to raise awareness online since this persecution of an American citizen is, of course, not covered in corporate media which is quite literally an apparatus of state propaganda. Real journalism, such as that done by Mr. Loffredo, is rare because of the unchecked liberty violations by tyrannical governments working hand in hand against the citizenry.
Dear Sir/Ma'am,I am alarmed at the brutal actions of the government of Israel against American journalists and, most recently, with the arrest and continued detention of Jeremy Loffredo. I realize his detention boundaries have been expanded to the war zone of Israel.I hope that the American government, and your embassy in particular, will do everything in your power to see Mr. Loffredo returned home to our country and that the foreign country ceases its unlawful actions against him.Additionally, I hope that we can all remember we are citizens of the United States of America and not handmaidens to a brutal foreign government that wantonly violates the rights of Americans as well as its own citizens.v/rRichard Rynearson, Maj, USAF (ret)
I agree with your overall assessment of Israel. I note that in your laundry list of "why" you haven't mentioned Israel's constant, serial, habitual, and unaccountable violations of International Humanitarian Law. Nothing about what Israel has done for a year now is consistent with the body of law invented to prevent another genocide. And since we've all just crossed our arms and watched, that body of law is now dead. It derives its force from norms to which we all agree. Best I can tell, we're back to the status quo ante, which is international anarchy where the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. It should have us all wringing our hands but hardly anyone gives a toss.