While ClearedHot typically spends his time on the "military aviator" website to mentor younger officers by discussing football ad nauseam, he has recently taken the time to cheer on a foreign country that murders journalists and American citizens who object to their genocide in Palestine. That genocide justified by the attacks of Hamas (which Israel propped up and financed itself) no less.
None of that matters though, because this brainiac retired full bird has a real appreciation for the middle eastern foreign country. And why wouldn't he?
Israel knowingly attacked the USS Liberty in international waters and murdered a great many American service members after all.
Israel stole enriched uranium from the United States to create nuclear weapons despite the U.S. policy of not allowing nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.
Israel has long spied on the United States (despite brutally attacking the USS Liberty).
And, of course, Israel has spent a bunch of money infiltrating our Congress, media, and other government agencies through a foreign-lobby that is strangely not required to register as a foreign agent and which has resulted in Congress funneling money from the pockets of struggling American taxpayers and sending it to the middle east to fund a nation actively hostile to the United States.
This hostile foreign country has infiltrated the government of the United States with such effectiveness that it must be wondered if the United States government isn't, in all reality, a puppet of this foreign nation. Those who look objectively must consider that the United States might be a colony of Israel. The cover up after cover up of anti-American and hostile Israeli actions suggests that our government works directly for this foreign power rather than for the people of America.
In any case, one would think a retired full bird would forgo celebrating a long-time enemy of our nation, but only if they remember a time when military officers were loyal to the United States of America instead of being captured by a foreign government.
At least ClearedHot is loyal to college football though.
All of this is correct.